Membership Renewal

Thank you for your support and Investing in Your Business’ Future

We’re glad to see you’re renewing your  membership with the Shingle Springs/ Cameron Park Chamber of Commerce.

Below you will find our dues structure and membership application form. We’re confident you will be pleased with your decision to renew your membership with the Chamber. You can visit the member benefits page to see what you can expect to get from your Chamber membership.

Membership Investment Schedule

Business (0-10 employees)
Includes Associations
Business (11-50 employees)$250.00
Business (over 50 employees)$350.00
Non-Profits (501c3) copy on file$125.00
Add a Second Business—50% discount plus $25 Administrative Fee
IRS Regulations under Section 162 allow dues and contributions monetarily or in the form of property to be deducted as ordinary and necessary business expenses.

Shingle Springs Cameron Park Chamber Membership Renewal

**Please fill out the information below that has changed and click the link at the end to pay online.

    First Name *:

    Last Name *:

    Email *:

    Phone Number*:

    Business Name *:

    # of Employees *:


    Website URL:

    Facebook URL:

    Instagram URL:


    Message - **Don't Forget to Click Pay Below After You Hit Submit**:

    Now That You Have Registered Click Below To Pay
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