MORE, Mother Lode Rehabilitation Enterprises, Inc logo

MORE, Mother Lode Rehabilitation Enterprises, Inc


We began in 1969 with a group of parents of individuals with developmental disabilities who had graduated from the school system and were looking for adult services to assist with vocational training, job development, and other needs. These parents felt that persons with developmental disabilities deserved the same rights and advantages that others enjoy. MORE’s programs are designed to help individuals become more independent in the community and to help reach their full potential.

MORE offers a full range of programs designed to help adults with developmental disabilities and autism spectrum disorders become as independent as possible, from our Basic Living Skills classes to our Supported Employment Program which matches people to the perfect job in the community and provides a job coach to support them maintain their employment.

MORE has a wonderful Creative Arts Program and has an art gallery registered with the El Dorado Arts Council as “Something MORE Artists’ Gallery”. A portion of each item sold is paid to the artist, and the rest goes to purchase supplies to support the Creative Arts Program. This enables some of our artists to earn a paycheck for the first time ever.

Contact Information

399 Placerville Dr Placerville, CA 95667
Social Info


399 Placerville Dr Placerville, CA 95667
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